There is a stirring happening in your soul. You are feeling it. Many are feeling it. It is an awakening. Be
open to it. Notice it. Do not overanalyze it. Do not try to fully understand it. Just simply allow it. Give
it some space in your soul. Let it simply be. In time, you will grow in deeper understanding and
awareness, but for now…I ask you to simply be with it.
Fear not
There is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion brought on by false expectations. Fear is part of the race
consciousness. I am bringing you out of the darkness and into the light. Fear exists in the shadows
where it appears to be something it is not. Once fear is fully exposed in the light it can no longer exist.
Where there is no fear, there is peace. I ask that you focus on the light. My light. My ever-shining, very
bright light. My light is like the sun. It is always shining. When you tune in and stay focused on this
truth, you will feel peace. It is my peace that I give to you. My peace that passes all understanding. In
the deep of your soul…you know this peace I am speaking of. Rest in my peace. Be at peace. When you
wander away from peace you can always find your way back by getting still, tuning into the flame that
lights your soul. It is the flame that I have lit in you. It is me. I am the flame. Simply turn your attention
to the flame that burns brightly and peacefully in your soul.
Rise up
You have been in a period of growth under the surface. Your roots have grown deep and wide. For
some time now it has appeared that nothing has been happening. I assure you much has been
happening and now…it is time to rise up. Now that your roots are deeply planted it is time for the world
to see you in all your glory. It is time for the world to see me in all my glory standing tall as you and you
as me. As you continue growing upward, your roots will continue to grow deeper and wider. This has
been my plan all along. You are like a mighty oak tree. You are strong and able to withstand the storms.
Though you may get scorched from time to time, not even fire will be able to destroy you because you
are so deeply rooted and grounded. You are magnificent and mighty.
Stand tall
As you grow up into the sky…stand tall. Stand tall and feel proud of who you are. Feel proud of what
you are. Your faithfulness to me and the journey I have called you to is now out in the open for the
world to see. I am so proud of you and I want you to be proud of yourself as well. You have been
faithful. It is time for you to stand tall and receive recognition for your faithfulness. It is time for you to
experience my goodness.
With much love as always,