Ahhh, my precious child, you are feeling weary and uncertain. You want answers. You feel you have been on this journey for a long, long time. Too long, you say. I understand that it looks and feels that way to you. Time is an illusion you know. My time is different than yours and yes, I know that that does not help the way you are feeling right now (GUS smiling sweetly). Your time is coming. The promises I have made to you are soon to be fulfilled. I ask you to stay the course. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by what you cannot see at this moment. My work is done behind the scenes, just like in a play, where props are moved around in preparation for the next scene. I am working behind the scenes on your behalf. I am in the process of moving people and circumstances around, preparing you for your next scene. Soon…the curtain will open, and my work will be revealed to you. You are going to be amazed at what I’ve been doing for you. I have been setting you up for a step up!
For now, imagine that you are in an intermission. Go out and enjoy this short intermission. Relax, have fun, and laugh with your friends. Spend this time in joyful and enthusiastic expectation. Just like in a play…the best part comes after the intermission. Soon, I will be calling you back to your seat so I can reveal to you what I have been preparing you for. Do not fret or be weary my child. The best is yet to come.